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ISSN 1841-8678   (print)
ISSN 1844-0029   (online)


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Techno-editing rules

Articles are published in the English language (print edition and online edition).

The article will be accompanied by an abstract of up to 100 words together with a list of 5 keywords and the e-mail addresses of all the authors.

The classification of the article either by system or database will be inserted after the abstract (see JEL System, available on www.aea.web).

The texts submitted for publishing will have a line spacing of 1, font size 12, Times New Roman (TNR) and will not exceed 25 pages (A4), including notes and references.

Titles and subtitles must be relevant to the content and formulated clearly and concisely.

The English version must use the recognized equivalent scientific terms.

Highlighting techniques must not be abused (bold, italics, underline, inverted commas etc.).

Tables and figures must have short and precise names. All accompanying notes will be set underneath them and not as footnotes.

Graphs will be processed in Excel (no scans allowed), explanations in the graphs will be written in textboxes, with TNR 9 fonts, and will have a width of no longer than 8 cm - for small graphs, or 13 cm - for large graphs.

Equations will be written with the equation editor, with TNR 10 font; the multiplication symbol will be “×” and not “•”.

References to notions cited in the text must be of the form: (Smith, 1998: pp. 66-71). Use of the expression “et al.” will be made when the cited work has more than two authors. When citing an author with more than one published work in the same calendar year, small fonts a, b, c, will be used. Ex.: (Knight, 1999a: pp. 91-92).

Explanation notes, marked in the body of the text as “(1)”, will be listed in the order of numbering at the end of the article (and not as footnotes), before the references, under the title of “Notes”.

The bibliography (references) will be written in normal text (not as a table), in alphabetical order, at the end of the article. The name of the author will be written in normal text, the titles of the works will be in normal text and in between inverted commas, and the name of the publication will be written in italics. The bibliography must adhere to the Harvard Style, as published by the Anglia Ruskin University Library.

The author of the article is considered responsible for obtaining the copyrights for all the reproductions in the material submitted for publication - including images, tables, graphs, figures and the longer bodies of text included in their work.


Open acces




The Economicity. The Epistemic Landscape, Marin Dinu, 2016


ISSN 1841-8678 (ediția print) / ISSN 1844-0029 (ediția online)
© Copyright Asociația Generală a Economiștilor din România / Editura Economică
Redacția: Oficiul poștal 18, Ghișeul 3 - Căsuța poștală 31, București 014820, E-mail:

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