Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 9 / 2007 (514)
Disciplinary Accountability in the Financial Area
Costantin Roman
Academia de Studii Economice, Bucuresti
Abstract. The disciplinary accountability of the personnel from the local public administration is differently regulated, depending on the personnel category. The disciplinary accountability of the civil servants is an administrative-disciplinary accountability regulated by the Law no. 188/1999 concerning the Status of the civil servants and can take place only under the circumstances stipulated by law, while the disciplinary accountability of the persons hired on the basis of the individual work contract is regulated by the Work Law, Law no. 53/2003 and can take place only under the circumstances stipulated by this law. The only basis of the disciplinary responsibility is the disciplinary infringement, that in fact represents a deed related to work, a deed consisting in an action or inaction carried out with guilt by the employee, through which this one broke the legal norms, the internal regulations, the individual work contract or the applicable collective work contract, the orders and the legal dispositions of the hierarchical superiors (Law no. 53/2003, Art. 263, Paragr. 2).
Keywords: disciplinary accountability; disciplinary infringement; disciplinary sanction; civil servant.
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