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ISSN 1841-8678   (print)
ISSN 1844-0029   (online)


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Supplement ECTAP (TAE)

International Finance and Banking Conference FI BA 2018, XVIth Edition

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  • Review of effects of economic reforms on economic development countries in transition
    Jelena TOSKOVIC, Jovana KISIN
  • Iceland and its participation in European economic integration: advantages and disadvantages of European Union and Euro Area membership
    Hilmar Þór HILMARSSON
  • The role of fiscal policies in maintaining macroeconomic stability. A DSGE model approach
    George PASMANGIU
  • A new approach to corporate governance
  • Bancassurance – one of the most important distribution channel in Europe
  • Comparative assessment of risk-based capital, Solvency II and Swiss solvency test
    Aurora Elena DINA (MANOLACHE)
  • Redesigning optimal mechanisms in social assistance
    Cosmin ŞERBĂNESCU, Adrian VINTILESCU, Lăcrămioara CORCHEŞ
  • How do unemployment benefits and minimum wage affect poverty?
    Cristina Irina PARASCHIV
  • The economic impact of indirect taxes on economic growth in European context
    Cosmina-Ştefania CHIRICU
  • The impact of public health and education expenditure on income inequality in European Union
    Ionuţ JIANU
  • Determinants of fiscal discipline on Romania - the IMF and the EU
    Sandina Maria JELOAICA
  • Impact of the volatility of Indian oil prices on sectoral returns in Indian equity markets
    Rinku JAIN, Kirti AREKAR, Aayesha TAHERAH
  • Evolution of the main macroeconomic indicators as a result of Romania's integration into the EU
    Ana-Maria URÎȚESCU
  • A direct measurement of corporate financial constraints of SMEs and large firms in Mauritius. A firm level survey analysis
    Chakeel PRAYAGSING, Kheswar JANKEE
  • Political connection and allocation of capital in the corporate sector in Mauritius. A game approach (theoretical relationship)
    Chakeel PRAYAGSING, Kheswar JANKEE
  • A game of bank resolution
    Gabriel MITRACHE

Open acces




The Economicity. The Epistemic Landscape, Marin Dinu, 2016


ISSN 1841-8678 (ediția print) / ISSN 1844-0029 (ediția online)
© Copyright Asociația Generală a Economiștilor din România / Editura Economică
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