Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 9 / 2012 (574)
The impact of labour market imbalances on regional disparities in the post-crisis context
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
Abstract. The paper aims to examine how existing imbalances in the labour market influence regions’ future development and to formulate a series of recommendations that will allow that catching up process to be done in an sustainable manner.
Basically, the objective refers to the integration of the development and restructuring strategy of the labour market policy to strengthen regional competitive advantage.
Our intentions is to stress the fact that between labour market imbalances and regional disparities exists a bi-univocal relationship, both manifested in a complex external environment, dominated by variable factors and uncertainty.
To achieve paper’ objectives scientific methods like: descriptive statistics, correlation analysis and aggregate indexes are applied.
The main results are focused on formulating a set of scientifically based recommendations that can be used to conceive strategies whose overall objective is the reduction of economic disparities existing in certain regions through training and proper human resources development.
Keywords: labour market; human resources; regional disparities; competitive advantages; post-crisis competitiveness.
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