The first supplement of the magazine, “Romania in the European Union. The convergence potential” contains the works of the AGER National Scientific Symposium of June 2nd, 2006. Download the supplement
The second supplement is entitled “Globalization. The explicative model” and is part of the Syntheses Series of the editor of the magazine, Univ. Prof. PhD Marin Dinu. Download the supplement
The third supplement contains a collection of speeches held at the annual AGER symposium “Romania’s integration in the European Union: challenges and opportunities” which took place on April 27th.
Download volume I of the supplement Romanian, English.
Download volume II of the supplement Romanian, English.
Cu ocazia Zilei Economistilor 23 noiembrie 2007, in cadrul Simpozionul Stiintific "ROMANIA IN UNIUNEA EUROPEANA. CALITATEA INTEGRARII. Crestere – Competenta – Ocupare" a aparut primul volum al celui de-al patrulea supliment al revistei. Descarca var. romana sau var. engleza.
The “Theoretical and Applied Economics” Magazine has received from the Romanian Society of Statistics the “Diploma of Excellence” for its consistency in publishing the results of scientific research.