Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 8 / 2007 (513)
The epistemic failure
As long as economic decision has determinants other than
those offered by the theory, Economics will remain an exercise
of vain rhetoric. Dissecting the human mechanism of decision
making is, in general, difficult. The post-enlightment theoretical
experience strives to have rational relevance, even though in
matters of economy, as in any other activity which includes
man and his dilemmatic universe, it illustrates failure.
- Measurement of the Economic Growth and Add-on of the R.M. Solow Adjusted Model
Ion Gh. Rosca
Stelian Stancu
- The Romanian Agriculture Cooperative Movement, from the Beginning to the Threshold of the Second World War. Briefly Historic Argument or Argument for History
Gabriel Popescu
Florentina Constantin
- The Environmental Accounting: an Instrument for Promoting the Environmental Management
Cleopatra Sendroiu
Aureliana Geta Roman
- Modernity after Modernity
Marin Dinu