ISSN 1841-8678 (print)
ISSN 1844-0029 (online)
Archive ECTAP
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11th International Conference,
Financial and Monetary Stability
in Emerging Countries
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- Professor Paul Bran, an Outstanding Personality and an Innovator
Ion Gh. Roşca - I Was Happy to be Close to a Really Important Man
Grigore Belostecinic - In Memoriam Paul Bran
Nicolae Dardac - Stan with Bran
Ion Stancu - Professor Paul Bran – Founder of Science, Specialist Trainer, Manager of Innovation and Modernization of Higher Education
Tatiana Moşteanu - Professor Paul Bran – Personality of Romanian Economic Science
Gheorghe Zaman - Paul Bran: The Professor, Colleague, and Man. In Memoriam
Gabriela Anghelache - Man – Professor Paul Bran
Constantin Popescu - Complexity and Personality – Reality and Solutions. PhD Professor Paul Bran in the Eco-economic Universe
Florina Bran, Rădulescu Carmen Valentina, Ioan Ildiko - Some Reflections on the Professor Paul Bran book "Management by Value"
Emilian M. Dobrescu - Paul Bran – a Man Among Men
Marin Andreica - Paul Bran
Vasile Şoimaru - Professor of Vocation Paul Bran
Sabina Funar - Paul Hasn’t Gone
Constantin Anghelache - Paul Bran – The Wise, The Innovator
Valerică Olteanu - A Name for Eternity – Professor Paul BRAN (1940-2006)
Gabriel Năstase - A Spiru Haret of our Times, a Patriarch of the Economical Romanian School
Ghenadie Ciobanu - Professor Paul Bran Contribution to the Development of the Scientific Library of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova
Silvia Ghinculov - Paul Bran – An Exemple of a Deeply Involved Intellectual
Felicia Alexandru - Homage to the Professor Bran Paul
Ilie Vasile - Rector Paul Bran – Erudite Professor and Valuable Genuine Soul
Florentina-Olivia Bălu - Respect
Emilia Câmpeanu - Aspects Regarding the Risk Management in the Financial Investment Companies, in the Context of Recent Economic Changes
Daniel Manaţe, Ioan Cuzman, Pavel Fărcaş - A Critical Look over the Romanian Local Public Finance Decentralisation
Tatiana Moşteanu, Carmen Maria Lăcătuş (Constantinescu), Mirela Anca Postole - Selection and Evaluation of Performance of an Aggregated Portfolio Consisting of Securities Listed on Bucharest Stock Exchange
Carmen Corduneanu, Daniela Turcaş - Recommendations for the Improvement of the Anti-money Laundering Regime
Ion Stancu, Filip Iorgulescu - The Method of Standard Costing in Public Management, a Possible and Necessary Option?
Felicia Alexandru, Marian Alexandru - Insurance Premium, a Contemporary Approach
Dorin Antal - Shaping the Amount of the Insurance Sum in the Case of Hydro-powered Generators
Dumitru Badea, Mircea Iulian, Laura Elly Naghi - Investment Process of Voluntary Pension Funds – a Cluster Approach
Flavia Barna, Maria Luiza Moş, Victoria Şeulean - Insurance Market Trends Caused by Climate Change
Flavia Barna, Victoria Şeulean, Petru Ovidiu Mura - Analysis of Energetic Resources Usage in Romania with General Equilibrium Techniques
Mioara Băncescu - Insurance and Reinsurance Catastrophic Risks in Romania: Present and Perspectives
Maria Bodnarciuc - The Impact of the IMF loan on National Policies
Georgiana Camelia Creţan, Yvonne Iulia Lacrois - Mandatory Home Owners Insurance
Marius Dan Gavriletea, Aura Carmen Moga - Motor’ own Insurance – Market Analysis for Individuals
Marius Dan Gavriletea, Aura Carmen Moga - The Competitivity of the Life Insurance Market in Romania
Radu Nicolae Giosan, Vasile Ilie - The Profit Percentage of the Personal Accident Insurances. Compared Case Study
Roxana Ionescu - The Importance of the Indicators in Measuring the Economic and Social Eficiency of the Insurances
Roxana Ionescu, Paul Tănăsescu - The Impact of Solvency II on Risk Calibration
Laura Elly Naghi, Petre Brezeanu, Eliza Dumitrescu - Reflections on the Romanian Insurance Brokerage in the Financial Crisis
Solovestru Domide Gherasim - Legislative Impact on Private Funds Market
Cosmin Şerbănescu - The Public-private Interdependence in Pensions
Cosmin Şerbănescu - Reserve Calculation of the First to Agricultural Crop Insurance
Anca Amalia Năstase - Considerations Regarding the Need to Develop and Implement a Natural Disaster Risk Financing Strategy in Romania
Gabriel Arthur Zelinschi - Ageing and Impact of the Payout Phase of Private Pensions
Mariana Popa - Fundamenting of an Aggregate Indicator for Classifying Enterprises Based on their Financial Results
Ştefan Daniel Armeanu, Georgeta Vintilă, Oana Filipescu, Paula Lazăr, Maricica Moscalu - Investments Efficiency in reNewable Resources Exploitation – the Identification of Risk Factors Associated with Production of Energy from RES
Anamaria Ciobanu, Maria Pascu Nedelcu, Anamaria Aldea - Project Management in the Corporate context – Project Appraisal Using Discounted Cash Flow
Elena Dobre - The Romanian Companies’ Competitive Adaptive Process to Cope with the Financial and Economic Crisis- the Managerial Perspective
Dalina Dumitrescu - Cost of Capital Estimation for Major Corporations. Evidence on Best Practice
Angela-Maria Filip, Daniela Georgeta Beju, Miruna Pochea, Maria Ulici - Spline Regression and Research of Capital Market under Financial Crises Impact
Liviu Geambaşu, Ion Stancu - Effects of The Process of Globalization upon the Company
Cristina Rodica Gradea - Comparision of the Accounting Concept „Fair Value” with other Economic Value concepts
Liliana Moga, Radu Stroe, Nicoleta Bărbuţă Mişu - The Review of Incentive Factors for eBanking Adoption
Ionica Munteanu - Contractual Governance – an Outcome of the Recent Financial Crisis
Gabriel I. Năstase, Dragoş Ionuţ G. Năstase - Sustainable Development of Economic Competitiveness through Intellectual Property Recovery
Mihail Dumitru Sacală - Measuring the Pressure of Prices – Integer Values, Over the Stock Trend
Andrei Stănculescu, Petre Brezeanu - Analyzing the Leverage Effect by Means of Regression for Companies Listed at the Bucharest Stock Exchange – BSE Exchange Segment
Silvia Stănoiu, Eliza Irimia (Dumitraşcu) - Crisis as Opportunity. Case Study Firms on Auto Industry, CAEN 2932 Manufacture of other Parts and Accessories for Motor Vehicles
Alexandru Todea, Anita Pleşoianu - Testing the Hypothesis of Martingale on Intraday Data: the Case of Bet Index
Georgeta Vintilă, Ştefan Daniel Armeanu, Oana Filipescu, Maricica Moscalu, Paula Lazăr - Fiscal Policy Impact upon European and National Entrepreneurial Environment
Ion Radu Zilişteanu - Critical Analysis of Housing Financing Systems in Transition Economies in Europe
Nicolae Balalia - Critical Analysis of the Current Status of Internal Audit in Public Administration
Nicolae Balalia - Empirical Evidences Concerning Corruption in Local Public Administration
Ana-Maria Bercu - The Opportunity To Identify a Single European Tax. A Comprehensive Analysis
Marcel Ioan Boloş, Cristian Ioan Otgon, Tudor Victor Orţan - M-Macbeth Method versus Traditional Scoring Method used in the Optimization of Public Expenditure Management
Iulian Viorel Braşoveanu - Tax Evasion in Romania – Some Characteristics
Iulian Viorel Braşoveanu, Laura Obreja - Tax Evasion: Quantitative and Qualitative Factors of Impact
Delia Cataramă - Is Progressive Taxation a Determinant of Tax Evasion?
Emilia Câmpeanu - Importance of Fiscal and Budgetary Policies in the Economy
Marius Sorin Dincă, Gheorghiţa Dincă - A Comparative Analysis of the Budgetary Deficits in the EU Countries in the Context of the Global Financial Crisis
Cristian Ene Corbeanu - Subsidiarity Principle in the European Union Governance
Cristian Ene Corbeanu - Multilevel Governance – European Union Case
Daniela Florescu - Analysis of Absorption Capacity of the European Funds in Romania
Rodica Gherghina, Irina Ion, Elena Nicolae - Theoretical Considerations Regarding the Contribution of Human Capital to Economic Growth
Attila György, Adina Cristina György - The role of Public Finance Management in Local Public Finance
Cătălina Carmen Huba (Ştefănescu) - Elasticity Expenditure Analysis for the National Security and Public Order
Sebastian Lazăr - Measuring Effective Corporate Taxation in Romania Using Forward-looking Methodology
Carmen Maria Lăcătuş (Constantinescu), Ioana Duca, Florin Văduva - Comparative Study on Decentralization of Public Finances in a Numbe of Countries in Transition from South-Eastern Europe
Emilian Miricescu, Attila György, Emilia Câmpeanu, Adina Cristina György - Decentralization Strategies for Public Services within EU Member States – empirical study
Tatiana Moşteanu, Mirela Anca Postole, Rodica Gherghina - The Analysis of External and Internal Public Debt in Romania
Laura Obreja - Economic Growth – a Cost-Benefit Analysis
Daniela Lidia Roman - Financing of VAT to the Local Budgets and Some Aspects in Context of Economic and Financial Crisis
Daniela Lidia Roman - Considerations Regarding the Expenditure for Agriculture in Romania in the Context of Economic and Financial Crisis
Angelica Roşu, Angelica Chirilă - The Obligation of Individuals to pay VAT on Real Estate Transactions
Viorica Stan, Cristina Dionisie - Indirect Taxes and Subsidies – Influences on Prices
Viorica Stan - Regards upon Evolution of Utility Theory- the Fundamental Element in Price Establishment
Andreea Stoian - Fiscal Vulnerability vs. Fiscal Sustainability: Theoretical Background
Valentina Ţugui - Study on Methods of Solving an Administrative Appeals Against Tax Act
Eugen Mitrică - Shadow Prices in the Cost Benefit Analysis
Marius Constantin Apostoaie, Cezar-Gabriel Ciortescu - Implications of the Financial Globalisation on the Financial Stability – Price Stability Relationship
Teodora Cristina Barbu, Carmen Obreja, Alina Lucia Trifan - Initial Public Offerings – Rating Indicators, Alternative and Future Prospects
Nicolae Băcilă - The Impact of the Economic and Financial Crisis on State Aid: Between Liberalization and Interventionism
Cristian Radu Birău, Andrada Busuioc, Alexandru Cosmin Stoia - Determinants of Political Risk in the Context of the Contemporary Economic Crisis
Angelica Chirilă, Angelica Roşu - Legal and Criminal Regulations in Financial Law- Tax
Carmen Corduneanu, Laura Raisa Miloş, Marius Cristian Miloş - Repositioning the Pension Funds as Institutional Investors on the Romanian Capital Market
Adrian Costea - On Modeling the Performance of Non-bank Financial Institutions – resEarch Methodologies
Bogdan Iluţ, Dan Chirleşan - Dynamics of the Development and Integration of the Romanian Retail Banking Sector
Adrian Morar Triandafil, Cristina Morar Triandafil, Aniela Danciu - Dynamic Perspective on the Triangle Foreign Direct Investments – Exchange Rate – Capital Market
Cristina Morar Triandafil, Adrian Morar Triandafil, Aniela Danciu - Exchange Rate – Trigger of Foreign Direct Investments
Mukul Pal, Ioan Alin Nistor - Time Duration Decay in Romanian Capital Markets
Daniel Traian Pele - Predictability of Stock Market Crashes: a Statistical Approach
Monica Răileanu Szeles - Mortgage Bonds in Ukraine: Current State and Problems of Application
Ioana-Cristina Sechel, Ramona-Anca Nichita - A Nonparametric Approach to the Financial Convergence in the European Union
Valentin Stanciu - Opportunities for Financing the Companies Through Stock Exchange Markets
Alina Camelia Şargu, Angela Roman - Performance Management Implementation in Human Resource Domain into Romanian Banking System
Florentin Şerban, Silvia Dedu - The Role and the Implications of Retail Payment Innovations for the European Banking System
Ionuţ Şerban - Risk-based Optimization of a Portfolio. Application in Case of Stocks Listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange
Florin Marius Turcaş - Monetary Policy Impact in the Central Bank Balance Sheet in the Emerging Countries
Daniela Zapodeanu, Mihail Ioan Cociuba - The Crisis of Capital Market Theories
Gina Albu - An ARCH Model of Romanian Exchange Rate
Teodora Cristina Barbu, Iustina Alina Boitan, Bogdan Andrei Dumitrescu - Effects of Financial Crisis on Banking Sector Stability in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ioan Tudor Boengiu - Free Trade Area
Florina Bran, Ildikö Ioan, Carmen Valentina Rădulescu - Efficiency and Competition in Romanian Banking System: Empirical Evidences
Luminiţa-Maria Crăciun, Georgeta Dragomir, Cornelia Elena Tureac - External Debt Sustainability, the Case of Romania: QAR Model
Ioan Cuzman, Daniel Manaţe, Pavel Fărcaş - The process Globalization of World Economy and Romania
Cătălina Hândoreanu - Exploitation the Global Forces and Pauper World
Alexandru Leonte - Financial Crises. Aspects Regarding the Crisis Impact on the Romanian Capital Market
Oana Lobonţ, Nicoleta-Claudia Moldovan, Cristina Nicolescu - Impact of IMF Agreement on Exchange Rate. The Romanian Case
Bogdan Moinescu - Do Financial Variables Help Predict Macroeconomic Environment? The Case of the Czech Republic
Ecaterina Necşulescu - Assessing Fiscal Stimulus Efficiency in Poland and Greece
Gheorghe Negoescu - Approach of Corruption as a Potential Threat to the Current Economy and National Security the Case of Romania
Cristina Nicolescu, Oana Lobonţ, Nicoleta-Claudia Moldovan - Credit risk Pricing and the Cost of Risk: a two way Avenue
Gheorghe Oprescu, Ana Andrei - Contradictory Aspects Assessment on Intangible Assets
Riana Iren Radu - Unemployment in Romania as "Income Source" for Most of the Population During Crisis
Diana Claudia Sabău-Popa, Edina Kulcsar, Eugenia Ramona Mara - Debt Sustainability Forecasting: Case of Romania
George Daniel Stoian, Vasile Ilie - The Dynamics of Economy and Equilibrium Growth Rate Quantification with Constant Stock of Bonds
Marta Christina Suciu, Alexandru Ghiţiu-Brătescu - Proactive Mentality for Business Development in Romania
Marina Zaharioaie - The Eurozone Debt Crisis. Causes and Possible Solutions. The Case of Greece
Marina Zaharioaie, Irina Bosie - Irredeemable EU Funds Role in Assuring the Stability of the Romanian Economy
Ghenadie Ciobanu