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ISSN 1841-8678   (print)
ISSN 1844-0029   (online)


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Economic Convergence in European Union (ECEU), 21th edition

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  • Examining the challenges and opportunities of AI integration in the Romanian education system: a case study perspective
    Silvia-Elena Iacob, Alexandra Constantin, Alexandru Radu Budu
  • AI ethical consequences in business and society
    Octavian Dumitru Hera
  • Digital shift to education 4.0: a bibliometric analysis
    Alexandra Constantin
  • Performance management paradigms in educational organizations
    Constanța Popescu, Elena Pătrașcu Suditu
  • Considerations on implementing ESG reporting in the Romanian public sector. The role of the Romanian Court of Accounts in ESG audit
    Teodora Nicoleta Pleșa
  • The role of Artificial Intelligence in creating sustainable solutions in the business environment: bibliometric analysis
    Constanța Popescu, Georgiana-Tatiana Bondac, Ciprian-Constantin Iacob
  • Empowering entrepreneurship: the crucial nexus of institutional arrangements and sustainable development
    Denisa Stroe, Marius-Cristian Pană
  • The impact of implementing European-funded projects on the quality of services provided by school organizations
    Elena Cristina Ion (Stroe), Liliana Barbatosu (Marinescu)
  • Progress towards sustainable development: the minimum wage outlook in Europe for 2024
    Inna Arzhynt, Ada Paierele
  • Beyond transactions: investigating consumer behavior in the digital economy
    Cezara-Georgiana Radu, Elena Roxana Deak
  • Shaping the EU map from the fiscal and labour cost approach
    Maria Bianca Bolboasa, Amalia Cristescu, Madalina Ecaterina Popescu
  • Defining economic corridors: explaining the concept of economic corridors and their role in the European economy
    Rareș-Mihai Nițu, Alexandra Murariu, Bogdan Mihai Frățilă
  • Digitization in education: an analysis of trends, benefits and challenges
    Vlad-Valentin Vîrjan
  • Economic inequality influences the trend of sustainability?
    Silvia Dumitrescu-Popa
  • EU transport policy and economic corridors: how EU transport policy affects the development and functioning of economic corridors
    Rareș-Mihai Nițu, Stefan-Robert Uricaru, Alexandra-Paula Puiu
  • Evaluation of the event study in the case of mergers and acquisitions
    Dragos Bîlteanu, Irina Stancu
  • A retrospective of material well-being and quality of life in the last decade
    Milian Negutoiu
  • The socio-economic effects of infertility
    Mariana-Eliza Fofircă (Gârbea), Grigore Ioan Piroșcă
  • The future of sustainable development
    Claudiu-Gabriel Stan
  • The impact of the European social fund in Romania
    Irene Ioana Drăghici, Robert Ștefan Uricaru
  • Economic change of the energy transition
    Alexandru Toma
  • Romanian public administration’s digitalization within European context
    Dumitru Gabriel Cristian, Liana Paraschiv, Stana Cristian
  • Navigating the intersection of digitalization, pandemic, and business environment. Exploring a proposed framework on the Balkans
    George Laurențiu Șerban-Oprescu, Edi-Cristian Dumitra, Alexandra-Paula Puiu
  • Socio-economic perspectives of the Republic of Moldova in the context of integration into the European Union. Arguments in favor of membership
    Grigore Ioan Piroșcă, Mihaela Roberta Stanef-Puică, Nicolae Moroianu
  • The importance of sustainability in the modern world
    Maria-Cristina Eremia
  • Green human resource management: a new approach to employees for organizational sustainability
    Bogdan-Mihai Frățilă, Alexandra Frățilă, Sorin Nastasia

Open acces




The Economicity. The Epistemic Landscape, Marin Dinu, 2016


ISSN 1841-8678 (ediția print) / ISSN 1844-0029 (ediția online)
© Copyright Asociația Generală a Economiștilor din România / Editura Economică
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