ISSN 1841-8678 (print)
ISSN 1844-0029 (online)
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International Finance and Banking Conference - FI BA 2014, XIIth Edition
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- New trends in catastrophic risk insurance in Romania
Dumitru Badea, Laura Elly NAGHI, Mihaela COVRIG - Increases and decreases on Romanian insurance market
Gherasim Solovestru Domide, Alexandru Domide - ERM – a key option for a legal entity stability
Iuliu Cosmin Şerbănescu - Cornerstone approaches regarding insurance of deposits
Andrei Stănculescu - Factors that influence the performance of listed companies considering the IFRS approach: Evidence from Romania
Laura Brad, Radu Ciobanu, Florin Dobre - Relationship between government bond markets in EU countries
Kristina Levisauskaite, Vilija Alekneviciene, Egle Alekneviciute - Municipal rating-Is it necessary?
Carmen Maria Constantinescu, Paul Tănăsescu - On a model of designing effective social assistance programs
Adrian Vintilescu Belciug, Lăcrămioara Corcheş, Daniela Creţu, Adriana Lupu - Treasury operations management
Laurenţiu Andrei, Petre Brezeanu - Balancing local budgets in Romania
Attila György - Non-reimbursable external funds versus public debt
Georgiana Camelia Creţan, Mirela Anca Postole, Marilena Ciobănaşu - Digital economy and the reform of the Romanian tax system
Iulia Butnaru, Iulian Viorel Braşoveanu - Education and professional formation – key variables for the knowledge-based society and for the policies to ensure economic growth in the context of the Europe 2020 strategy
Rodica Gherghina, Georgiana Camelia Creţan, Ioana Duca - Interdependences between sustainable development and sustainable economy
Emilia Mioara Câmpeanu, Carmen Valentina Rădulescu - The state’s support in funding religious establishments
Mircea Cricovean - The effects of introduction of flat tax in Romania: income from wages effects
Evelina Bălu, Iulian Viorel Braşoveanu - Was RASDAQ doomed from the start? A preliminary investigation
Cornelia Pop, Cristina Balint, Maria-Andrada Georgescu - Financial services authority and moral hazard
Mitică Pepi - The analysis of the relationship between profit and average salary in the pharmaceutical industry
Nicolae Balteş, Georgiana Daniela Minculete (Piko), Maria Daciana Rodean (Cozma) - A new approach of the relationship between banking crisis, financial dependence and growth in Romania
Rodica Oana Ioniţă, Ion Stancu - The IMF should and can be involved in preventing and combating international crisis?
Dragoș-Ionuț Vișan - Asset management companıes: a sector analysıs ın Turkey
Yusuf Gor, Bilgehan Tekin - The influence of interest rates on the exchange rate and exchange rate volatility
Florin Mavriş, Dumitru - Cristian Oanea - Drivers of an International Financial Centre: lessons for Mauritius
Kheswar Jankee - Is EMU a triggering factor for convergence or not? Empirical evidence using Phillips and Sul methodology
Ioana Sorina Mihuț - Is “too-big-to-fail” still an issue?
Paula Hortensia Botezatu, Diana Raluca Diaconescu - Romania’s external competitiveness. A macro approach
Ana-Maria Cazacu (Bancu) - Macroprudential policies and tools
Livia Maria Rotaru - Determinants of non-performing loans before and after the beginning of the international financial crisis
Radu Muntean - Communicative principles among corporate clients and regional branches of commercial banks
Asie Tsintsadze, Lela Oniani - Study regarding the correlation between nonperforming loans and gross domestic product in Romanian economy
Nicolae Balteş, Maria Daciana Rodean (Cozma), Georgiana Daniela Minculete (Piko) - Contagion risk and the interdependence of the main risks in the Romanian banking sector
Radu Muntean - Determinants of bank profitability: evidence from CreditCoop
Ioana-Raluca Diaconu, Dumitru-Cristian Oanea - Evaluation of Basel criteria for the international banking system
Destan Kirimhan