ISSN 1841-8678 (print)
ISSN 1844-0029 (online)
Archive ECTAP
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Romania in the European Union. The Quality of Integration. Growth. Competence. Employment Volume I
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- The National Wealth-Factor of Economic Integration
Gheorghe Zaman, Zizi Goschin - The Harmonizing of the Romanian Higher Education Qualifications with the EU Labor Market Requirements
Ion Gh. Ro, Viorel Lefter - The Public Finance Stance and the Economic Growth: the Case of European Union
Ioan Talpo, Bogdan Dima, Mihai Ioan Muta, Cosmin Enache - Banking Products Development in the Romanian Banking Market
Nicolae D - Some Aspects Concerning the Sensitivity of the Capital Market
Gabriela Anghelache - From Macroeconomic Stability to Sustainable Growth in Romania
Coralia Angelescu, Aura-Gabriela Socol - The Effect of Integration and the Distribution of Corruption
Constantin Popescu, Alexandru Ta - Romania 2007. Macroeconomic Instability is Back?
Cristian Socol, Dorin Emil M - Economic and Social Cohesion of EU
Dorel Ailenei - The Estimation of Production Function in Romania
Marius-Corneliu Marina - Characteristics of Investment Policy and European Convergence
Drago - The Gross Domestic Product and Direct Foreign Investment
Constantin Anghelache - The Cycles of Transition - An Epistemological Perspective on Globalization
Marin Dinu