Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 5 / 2007 (510)
Incomplete crosscuts
The distinctive mark of modernity is building up on innovation, as a product of rationalization. Societies lagging behind under the rule of the ritual of nature have never stepped on the track of modernity. They were spent in the excitation of emotional thinking. Where the revolt against nature took place and the obsession of the independent invention of the means of subsistence emerged, even by coercing nature to yield them faster, in larger quantities and in diverse sorts, the other natural force gained legitimacy: the human nature. Modernization is a phenomenon intrinsic to human nature. It brought with it the autonomy of this nature.
R.M. Solow Adjusted Model of Economic Growth
Ion Gh. Rosca
Stelian Stancu
- Multidisciplinary Optimization in Services Management
George Moldoveanu
Octavian Thor Pleter
- IAS 41 Agriculture: Fair Value Accounting
Viorel Lefter
Aureliana Geta Roman
- Structural Instruments – the New Challenge for Romania.
Investment Fields and the Beneficiaries for the Operational Programs 2007-2013
Tatiana Mosteanu
Meral Ibraim
- The Standard-cost Method: the Best Answer for the Effective Management of the Value Side of the Manufacturing Process and Raising Economic Efficiency
Cleopatra Sendroiu
Costantin Roman
- The International Trade in Global Economy
Ion Botescu
- The Stress’ Management and Time Budget
Maria Constantinescu
Cornel Constantinescu