Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 7 / 2012 (572)
Consumer characteristics influencing milk consumption preference. The Turkey case
University of Gaziosmanpaşa, 60240, Tokat, Turkey
Abstract. The objective of this study was to investigate packed and unpacked fluid milk consumption and preferences among Turkish households using the data from a consumer survey. Multinomial logit procedure was used to investigate the selected socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of consumers that determine households’ fluid milk consumption choices among packed, unpacked and both packed-unpacked milk consumption choices. Based on the results, 30.5% of respondents consumed only unpacked fluid milk, 36.3% consumed only packed fluid milk and 33.1% of respondents consumed both unpacked and packed fluid milk. Empirical results indicate that better educated household heads, higher income and larger households, and households with children under seven years of age consumed more packed milk than others. A similar result was found for unpacked milk consumption, except for a negative effect of education, working wife and income. Milk production and manufacturing firms are increasing in Turkey; results of this study provide some relatively new information about the consumers’ fluid milk consumption decision.
Keywords: consumption; consumer preference; household survey data; multinomial logitanalysis; Turkey.
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