Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 2 / 2009 (531)
Controversies in the Debate Regarding Economic Convergence
Carmen Puiu
University of Craiova
Countries from Central and Eastern Europe face some specific
challenges for poor countries: still fragile institutions, a social cohesion under
a lot of pressures, inequalities in rapid growth(1), endemic corruption etc. That
is why these countries must prepare public policies that should try to solve a
range of specific problemes that these countries faceses with on their way of
A strategy of economic development means a construction of conscious
public (economical) policy, therefore intellectual resources, a capacity to formulate
and carry out policy.
Keywords: convergence; catching-up; big push; social and economic cohesion.
- The Transformation of Municipal Services: towards Quality in the Public Sector
Pablo Gutiérrez Rodríguez
José Luis Vázquez Burguete
Roge Vaughan
Jonathan Edwards
- Quantitative Evaluations of Foreign Direct
Investments Impact on Productivity Development
of Companies from Central and Eastern Europe
Marilen Pirtea
Carmen Corduneanu
Bogdan Dima
Laura Milos
- Minority Shareholders’ Protection:
the Romanian Experience
Victor Dragota
Anamaria Ciobanu
Delia Catarama
Andreea Semenescu
Carmen Maria Lacatus
- Quantifying Update Effects in Citizen-Oriented Software
Ion Ivan
Sorin Pavel
- Is there Needed an Industry Approach
on Corporate Default Risk?
Case Study on Companies Listed
on Romanian Stock Exchange
Cristina Maria Triandafil
Petre Brezeanu
Marius Petrescu
Leonardo Badea
- Controversies in the Debate Regarding Economic Convergence
Marieta Stanciu
Carmen Puiu