Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 7 / 2007 (512)
Real Options in Capital Budgeting. Pricing the Option to Delay and the Option to Abandon a Project
Academia de Studii Economice, Bucuresti
Abstract. Traditional discounted cash-flows method for assessing projects assumes that investment decision is an irreversible one, which is not correct. Managers can and must reconsider their initial decision as the new information arises during the project life. This is managerial flexibility and it creates strategic value for a project, only if management takes advantage of the opportunities associated with an analyzed project. Real options represent a new approach in capital budgeting, using the theory of pricing financial options for investments in real assets. In this paper, we emphasize the characteristics and valuation methodologies of real options. The objective in the last section is pricing the option to delay and the option to abandon a project in construction materials field.
Keywords: capital budgeting; real options; managerial flexibility, timing options; exit options.
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