Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 12 / 2010 (553)
The Spread of Economic Ideas among Romanian People. Case Study: Dionisie Pop Marţian
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
Abstract. In the nineteenth century, the accelerating globalization started to show demands that the majority of the Romanians could not understand. The delay in the economic development, the political-state establishment, the scarcity of instruction and education, the historical and geographical context marked by hostility, all these formed the gap between the "West" and "East". The renewing economic ideas penetrated hard, often deformed ... The relentless intelligence of some young people educated outside the Romanian land, as Dionisie Pop Marţian (1829- 1865), has started the struggle for "the economic emancipation of the nation" by promoting the ideas, the principles and the institutions on which was build the prosperity of the West. Seen as a "reactionary" or as a "man of progress", Marţian has delivered a heterogeneous economic outlook, a mixture of liberal principles and protectionist principles. The most significant "protection" supported by Marţian was the one against ignorance. The compilation made by Marţian using the works of various authors sustaining the "social economy" shows the dimensions of economic backwardness - the absence of current economic terms from the lexicon. Marţian invents some economic terms, which are understandable, such as: „comerciu”(trade), „manufaptură” (manufacture), „product”, „const”, „fair price”, „banc-rupt” etc. Marţian's mission was clear: "the spreading of economics through speaking and writing.".
Keywords: economic education; industry; institutions; protectionism; economic emancipation.
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