Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 4 / 2024 (641), Winter
Analysis of the global energy resources evolution in the context of the population growth
“Artifex” University of Bucharest, Romania
Romanian Academy, Institute of National Economy, Romania
Ștefan Virgil IACOB
Petroleum – Gas University of Ploiesti, Romania
Romanian Academy, Institute of National Economy, Romania
Abstract. The energy resources play a crucial role in national economies, being the engine that drives economic activities and ensures general well-being. Due to their fundamental importance, energy resources must be given priority attention, especially in the current context, where sustainability challenges and climate change are increasingly evident. In this paper, the authors took into account both renewable and traditional energy sources and the evolution of indicators that have a direct influence on national economies and the well-being of the population. At the same time, the increase in energy demand is a phenomenon that humanity is facing and consequently the transition to renewable sources is necessary to ensure long-term sustainability. The analysis of the situation of total energy sources and how they are consumed is essential and some key aspects must be followed in this regard in order to understand how energy resources are managed and used. This approach involves studying the distribution and consumption of energy sources, assessing the efficiency of their use, and identifying current trends and challenges. The global population growth was also considered, which is a complex and unbalanced phenomenon, creating significant challenges related to the need for resources for survival. In this context, the analysis of population dynamics and resource distribution becomes essential for sustainable development.
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