Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 4 / 2006 (499)
External Balance Payments – Macroeconomic Analysis Instrument
Scoala Nationala de Studii Politice si Administrative
Abstract. The foreign trade activity represents, on one side, the participation of one country to the international economic co-operation, on the basis of the labor international division as well as, on the other side, a factor of economic growth. The sold of the payments balance shows to what extent a country depends on external relationship. The foreign payments balance is conceived as an instrument of economic analysis, reflecting the actual financial flows, which are being established. In the paper we are dealing with the forms in which the payments balance is made, as well as the recording principles for its data. By its own structure, the foreign payment balance emphasizes the debts and the commitments undertaken by a country, within a given period of time. Aspects such as: the equilibrium of the payments balance; tehnicques meant to secure the equilibrium of the payments balance and policies meant to secure the equilibrium of the payments balance are also approached as an attempt to clarify the subject.
Keywords: payments balance; trade balance; equilibrium techniques; equilibrium policies.
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