Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 2 / 2007 (507)
Labor Relations and Social Dialogue: Measurement and Diagnosis Instruments
Miruna Mazurencu Marinescu
Anca Bogdan
Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti
Abstract. Social dialogue and tripartism play an important role in promoting and strengthening fundamental principles and rights at work, promoting job creation and expanding social protection. In the context of the severe challenges of globalization, a growing number of developing countries are recognizing the need to faster dialogue, partnership and participatory approaches to decision-making. Thus, social dialogue becomes a prerequisite for efficient corporate governance and means to attain national economic and social objectives and to contribute to poverty reduction policies. We shall propose a diagnosis and analysis system in order to measure and monitor the evolution of the industrial relations and social dialogue.
Keywords: industrial relations; social dialogue; social diagnosis; tripartism; social policies.
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