Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 1 / 2007 (506)
Levels and Atypical Evolutions of the Romanian Demographic Processes
Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti
Abstract. Within the XXth century, especially in the second half thereof, the approach views of the relation between the population and economy (both of them regarded in dynamics) have multiplied themselves, the points of view as regards this subject becoming not only much more diverse but also opposite. All these views are characterised by the population transformation in endogenous factor (in internal, intrinsic side) of the economic development (of the economic growth), factor that, at its turn, is determined by the economic processes. The double position of the population in the demo-economical relations system - as main production factor and as virtual recipient of produced goods - is a strong argument in the favour of the demographic factor as endogenous factor of growth and economic development. The correlations between the two variables are diverse and very difficultly to be quantified. It is known that the effect of the demographic impact upon the economic factor is felt after many years from the date of the demo-economic phenomenon occurring. So, within the last decades, the research intended to identify certain essential, durable relations between the population evolution and the economic growth became more intensive. On this line there are presented atypical evolutions and levels of demographic processes in Romania.
Keywords: population; demographic processes; demographic transition; prospective of population; average life expectancy.
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