Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 6 / 2012 (571)
The Analysis of the Ethnical Discrimination on the Manpower’s Market under the Economical Crisis
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
Eugeniu TUDOR
Bucharest Academy of Economic Studies
Abstract. Discrimination means any difference, exclusion, restriction, preference or different treatment that brings forth disadvantages for a person or a group as compared to other ones that are in similar situations. The reasons on which discrimination is based can be various, such as race, nationality, ethnics, religion, gender, sexual orientation, language, age, disabilities etc. and in this case we talk about multiple discrimination. In Romania the main forms of discrimination are linked to ethnics and to sexual appurtenance. Within this column we analysed the discrimination amongst the Romany ethnics people, according to a statistical investigation (Access onto the Labour Market – A Chance for You), the research goal being to identify the answer to the following questions: Is there any discrimination inside the Romany ethnic group? What is the correlation between their level of education and their income? What is the correlation between the level of education of the parents and the respondent’s?
Keywords: discrimination; ethnic; labour market; wage; education.
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