Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 3 / 2006 (498)
The Explanatory Model of Globalization
Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti
Abstract. Wording the explanatory model of the globalization is the purpose of this article. The idea of globalization is indisoluble linked to the idea of order of the world and it is the premise on which the analyses is based. On its turn the order has a sens when it is associated to the ordonation principle. The essential data of the actual international order shows that adversity is the principle of ordering: a part of the international system has the tendency to central other part if it is possible (and in our time it is possible) all the component parts of the whole world. Therefore we ourself still find out in the era of pre-globalization because the ordinator principle, that of the competition, has not been changed, in which the parts are disputing among them the non-conflictual functions, competences, dependences etc.
Keywords: adversity; pre-global era; competition; global era; explanatory model.
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