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ISSN 1841-8678   (print)
ISSN 1844-0029   (online)


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Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 10 / 2011 (563)

The Management of Waste Containing Asbestos in Romania and the European Union

National Environment Guard

Abstract. The complex problem of waste management caused it to be claimed by an increasing number of disciplines in the last period, coming to the conclusion that many times such an inter- and pluridisciplinary effort is necessary in order to reach to the expected results. Romania has a significant quantity of asbestos content wastes, as a consequence of the fact that no recycling technologies apply to them, the applicability rate being very low also at international level. The polybest is the solution offered for recycling and recovery of asbocement through a processing technology ensuring the neutralization of the noxious factors.

Keywords: wastes; asbestos; management of waste containing astestos; inertization technologies; polybest.

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The Ideological Reductionism
Marin Dinu

Open acces




The Economicity. The Epistemic Landscape, Marin Dinu, 2016


ISSN 1841-8678 (ediția print) / ISSN 1844-0029 (ediția online)
© Copyright Asociația Generală a Economiștilor din România / Editura Economică
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