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ISSN 1841-8678   (print)
ISSN 1844-0029   (online)


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Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 4 / 2023 (637), Winter

Mapping circular pathways: a bibliometric exploration and Multilinear Regression Model of Romania's circular economy

Ionuț NICA
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Maria-Luiza CIOCAN
“Jean Monnet” Theoretical High School, Romania

Abstract. Circular economy represents a key concept in the contemporary era of sustainable development, with the potential to revolutionize how our society consumes, manages resources, and addresses ecological issues. In this context, Romania, a country with a rapidly developing economy, has gradually embraced the principles of the circular economy and has begun to chart its own path towards a more sustainable and resource-efficient future. The primary objective of this study is to conduct a bibliometric analysis of the concept of the circular economy in Romania and apply a multilinear regression model where the dependent variable is GDP per capita, and the independent variables include the circularity rate, imports and exports of waste. The time frame analyzed for the multilinear regression model is 2012-2021, and for the bibliometric analysis, it spans from 1999 to October 2023.

Keywords: circular economy, multilinear regression model, bibliometric analysis.

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The Economicity. The Epistemic Landscape, Marin Dinu, 2016


ISSN 1841-8678 (ediția print) / ISSN 1844-0029 (ediția online)
© Copyright Asociația Generală a Economiștilor din România / Editura Economică
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