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ISSN 1841-8678   (print)
ISSN 1844-0029   (online)


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Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 1 / 2020 (622), Spring

The analysis of the international trade of Romania

Mădălina-Gabriela ANGHEL
“Artifex” University of Bucharest, Romania
Ștefan Virgil IACOB
“Artifex” University of Bucharest, Romania
Dragoș Alexandru HAȘEGAN
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania

Abstract. The international commercial activity is important for any national economy, in the sense that the surplus of goods and services that can be realized is the object of the exports, and the harmonization of the correlations within the national economy can often be ensured by complementary imports. No country in the world under the current conditions can operate under autarchy, so it can no longer procure absolutely everything it needs to carry out its activity.

In 2019, Romania continued to grow on consumption, first and foremost, on investment. This aspect will be maintained further because, especially in the current conditions of the pandemic that invaded mankind, the conditions of macrostability can be ensured. Going beyond this, we are interested in 2019 how, within the economy of our country, imports and exports have been made. Imports and exports should be analyzed from the point of view of the contribution made by the economic agents to the exports and especially the efficiency of the imports in the context where the net export, that is the difference between export and import is negative and affects the annual results of Romania.

The analysis of the foreign trade activity is carried out both within the intra-community, but also in the extra-community one, meaning that the studies lead to the conclusion that Romania's main import-export activity is carried out within the intra-community framework of the 27 states, who are currently members after the Brexit that led to the United Kingdom leaving the European Union concert. The analysis of import and export inside and outside the EU shows that, especially within the European Union, the balance of foreign trade balance or foreign payments is negative. Also, the study shows that both imports and exports have increased year by year, but at the same time, the more alert pace has been the imports that have determined the widening of the value difference between the two activities of international economic exchanges, causing the surplus of the balance to increase. Foreign or commercial payments. The article addresses these issues as a whole and finally some analyzes are made using statistical and econometric methods and models, which highlight the correlation between imports and total trade, total imports and imports on the two structures, to detect exports on those two structures. The article makes complex references to the complete situation registered by Romania in 2019, with relevant analysis and on January 2020, in order to highlight and highlight the trend in the coming period.

Keywords: import, export, trade balance, European Union, trade, economic growth.

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The Economicity. The Epistemic Landscape, Marin Dinu, 2016


ISSN 1841-8678 (ediția print) / ISSN 1844-0029 (ediția online)
© Copyright Asociația Generală a Economiștilor din România / Editura Economică
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