Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 2 / 2020 (623), Summer
The voluntary pension funds – a viable solution to supplement the pensioners' incomes
“Artifex” University of Bucharest, Romania
Dragoș Alexandru HAȘEGAN
Bucharest University of Economic Studies, Romania
Abstract. The voluntary pensions, known as Pillar III, are a part of the pension system in Romania and aim to ensure a separate private pension, which supplements the pension provided by the public system and, where available, the privately managed pension. In fact, the voluntary pension is a longterm savings product, the participant and/or employer for its employees may choose to contribute to the individual account with an amount between a minimum amount, established by each voluntary pension fund prospectus and a maximum of 15% of the gross monthly salary income or of the income assimilated to it. At any time, the participant has the possibility to stop paying the contributions, keeping all his rights, according to the rules of the voluntary pension scheme. When he wants, he will be able to resume paying the contributions to the same fund or he can opt for another one. The participant also has the right to change the level of contributions at any time, provided that this level is included in the specified range.
Keywords: voluntary pension, participant, fund, contribution, personal assets.
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