Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 1 / 2006 (496)
The Knowledge Economy – New Economy?
Universitatea Petre Andrei Iasi
Abstract. The status of knowledge and information as development resources make us familiar with the phenomena on which The New Economy is founded. They reveal the fact that the universalisation of the scientific and technical values does not have alternative on the evolutionary level of mankind. Named with slight differences and variations, as we have already stated, the new economic and social reality has several specific features: the technologies based on microelectronics and computer science, biotechnologies, genetic engineering, green revolution, nuclear technology, space navigation etc. The transformation of management in a key –social function, responsible for the achievement of the best possible results, is also owed to the fact that information and knowledge have become requisite to the economic development.
Keywords: knowledge economy; post-industrialism; communication enterprise; managerial revolution; information society; human capital.
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