Theoretical and Applied Economics
No. 1 / 2006 (496)
The Rational Relevance of the Diffuse Paradigms
Academia de Studii Economice Bucuresti
Abstract. Processes like the globalization consistency and learning about society are screened by diffuse concepts such as those taking the last steps of the industrial civilization and hierarchically ordered world through hegemony. This is why the meaning of globalization is given by deviant trends, like globalism, and the knowledge society is taken for the tools promoted by itself, such as the internet. This does not imply only approximations of meaning but rather the vanity of change, preserving the status quo represented by the pre-global world or the adversity principle. Historicism of paradigm cannot be avoided. Evolvement towards something else, announced by globalization is implacable, and the new ordinating principle, the one of competition, opens the opportunity horizon to global world.
Keywords: Diffuse paradigms; post-values; pre-global world; ordinating principle; post-national society; cognition paradox.
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